Release Notes and Updates

Version 2.13 Release (23rd June, 2024)
Centralized Caching Configuration for Enhanced Performance
In our ongoing efforts to enhance application performance, we have significantly improved our caching strategy. Previously, caching was implemented within the code to boost performance. However, we always aimed to manage API caching through a centralized mechanism. With this release, we have achieved this goal, bringing the following benefits:
  • Granular Control: Caching for various types of data, such as product information, workshops, and events, can now be managed at a granular level through a central configuration.
  • Dynamic Configuration: The ability to enable, disable, and adjust the caching duration for any API without requiring code changes. This dynamic approach allows for real-time adjustments to caching policies as needed.
  • Reduced Server Load: By centralizing and optimizing caching, we can better manage the load on our servers and cache stores. This ensures more efficient resource utilization.
  • Improved User Experience: Users will benefit from faster response times and overall better performance, resulting in a more seamless and responsive experience.

Version 2.12 Release (22nd June, 2024)
Content Hub.
Enhanced Workshop Information: Content providers can now add more detailed and helpful information to the workshops. This enhancement aims to provide students with better insights and resources, making the workshops more beneficial and engaging.
Auth Service
Improved Registration Process: The registration process has been streamlined and enhanced, providing a smoother and more user-friendly experience for new users.
Enhanced Login Experience: Existing users will now experience a more seamless and efficient login process, improving overall usability and access to the platform.
These updates focus on enhancing the user experience for both students and content providers, ensuring a more informative and user-friendly environment.

Version 2.11 Release (21st June, 2024)
UI Improvements
  1. Loading Indicator on Checkout Page: Introduced a loading indicator on the checkout page while the PayPal button is loading, enhancing user experience during the payment process.
  2. Improved UI for Toast Messages on Mobile Screens: Redesigned the UI for toast messages to ensure better visibility and usability on mobile screens.
  3. Enhanced Client-Side Error Handling and Retry Mechanisms: Implemented improved client-side error handling and retry mechanisms to provide a smoother and more reliable user experience.
Content Hub
  1. View Daily Schedule of Events: Subscribers can now view the daily schedule of planned events, making it easier to keep track of upcoming activities.
  2. Dedicated Page for New Workshops: A new dedicated page for viewing all upcoming workshops has been added. Users can filter workshops by types to find the ones that best suit their interests and needs.

Version 2.1 Release (8th June, 2024)
Performance Improvements
In the content hub module, performance has been significantly improved by splitting the service to retrieve workshops into two separate services. The first service now retrieves the workshops and events, while the second service provides information about user registration. This separation allows the system to cache the workshop data, resulting in a substantial improvement in performance.
UI Improvements
Numerous UI improvements have been made across the application to provide a better user experience on both desktop and mobile devices. These enhancements ensure a more seamless and intuitive interaction for all users.

Version 2.01 Release (2nd June, 2024)
Performance Improvements - CDN Implementation
In version 2.01, we have integrated a global Content Delivery Network (CDN) to serve images and public documents. This implementation significantly enhances the performance of all websites hosted on our platform. CDNs distribute your content across multiple servers located around the world, ensuring that users access data from the nearest server. This reduces latency, accelerates load times, and improves the overall user experience. By leveraging CDN technology, we ensure that your site's content is delivered quickly and efficiently, regardless of the user's geographic location, resulting in a faster, more reliable website.
Additional Authentication Modes
We have expanded our authentication options to include email-based sign-up methods. Users can now choose between SMS-based authentication and email-based authentication, offering greater flexibility and convenience. Email-based authentication provides an alternative for users who prefer not to use their phone numbers or who may not have access to SMS services. This enhancement ensures that our platform is accessible to a broader range of users, catering to their individual preferences and needs while maintaining robust security measures.
New Installment-Based Pricing
Our latest update introduces installment-based pricing for eCommerce store owners. This feature allows store owners to offer their customers the option to pay for products in installments, making high-value items more accessible and affordable. By breaking down the total cost into manageable payments, customers are more likely to complete their purchases, which can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction. Store owners can set up installment plans with flexible terms and conditions, tailoring them to meet the needs of their target market. This feature not only enhances the shopping experience but also provides a competitive edge in the market.
Introduced Markets
We have added a new feature that allows eCommerce store owners to define markets and set different pricing for each product according to specific market requirements. This functionality enables store owners to customize their pricing strategies based on geographic regions, market demand, and local economic conditions. By offering market-specific pricing, store owners can optimize their revenue, better serve their diverse customer base, and remain competitive in various markets. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses operating in multiple regions or countries, as it provides the flexibility to adjust prices to match local market conditions.

Version 2.0 Release (1st May, 2024)
Frontend Redesign
In version 2.0, we have implemented a complete overhaul of our frontend rendering engine. This new engine is built using cutting-edge web technologies, ensuring a more efficient and responsive user experience. Advanced CSS standards and variables have been incorporated, allowing for greater customization and control over the website's branding. This means you can now easily adjust the look and feel of your site to align with your brand identity, without extensive coding. Our goal is to provide a visually appealing and consistent user interface that enhances user engagement and satisfaction.
Micro Services Architecture
Version 2.0 introduces a robust micro-services architecture, a significant shift from the previous monolithic structure. This architecture breaks down our platform into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled individually. This modular approach allows us to roll out new features more quickly and efficiently. By isolating services, we can ensure that updates or changes in one area do not disrupt the entire system. This architecture is designed to handle a large volume of websites seamlessly, providing a scalable and resilient platform that meets the demands of our growing user base. This improvement not only enhances performance but also ensures a more reliable and maintainable system for our clients.